Dev Launchpad: The Ultimate Starter Kit

Dev Launchpad: The Ultimate Starter Kit

Description :→ Dev Launchpad: The Ultimate Starter Kit is your go-to guide for setting up a streamlined development environment. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned developer, this blog covers essential tools, folder structures, and best practices to kickstart your projects with ease and efficiency. Simplify your workflow and build smarter from the start!

kickstart :→

1> Install VS code ( code editor to write code) :→

click here to download VS code

2> Install Node Js.

click here to download NOde js

3> some chrome extension for web design :→

a> WhatFont (for detecting the font)

b> page ruler ( for padding and margin)

c> CSSViwer ( to know all the CSS)

4> vs code extension :→

it’s the extension tab

a> live server :→

b> code runner :→

5> VS code setting :→